Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Band students attended Band Camp during Fall Break

Band Camp helps build a stronger band

by Robert Garcia

The Southwest High School Royal Raider Regiment wasn’t on their two week break like most of the students at Southwest High School. Instead they were working hard and trying their best to prepare for their parade and field show on the 24th of October. Band camp as most Raiders should know is not a place in a movie where you do stupid things. But to the band members at Southwest High School it’s a time to get serious and still have the laughs and become “A Family”. The first day of band camp was a very curious one in which we anticipated what we were going to do that day. Even though the band started to work on their music and play to the best of their abilities, we also did some fun exercises as well. Every so often Mrs. Clark would start to play a random song for that day and we would have to get up and clap and dance and enjoy. This she explained was a way to get a fresh start for our brains so were not overworked. As the week progressed it got harder but it was still very enjoyable to the students who attended. We laughed and enjoyed our company but when it came down to work the band gave it their all and did a 110%. Overall as a member of the Band I found it to be enjoyable and we were able to enjoy one another’s company.

As the week progressed it came and Friday approached, most of the band members were either worried or skeptical about the Football game at Castle Park High School. As many people in the band know this is the original school Mrs. Clark and the coaches came from, there was a lot of trash talk from the other band as we entered their school. But overall the Southwest High School band followed the Raider way and proved that the high road is always the better way to take. The band did well even though they lacked the memorization skills of their music. However, because of the time and effort the band members put in every day and the spirit they have for this band, it’s no doubt in my or everyone’s mind that we will be successful.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Homecoming Dance

Raiders celebrate a Streetlight Serenade

By Martin Zazueta

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT! Its was a beautiful foggy evening at the San Diego Hall of Champions this past Saturday for SOH's Homecoming Dance. Contrary to popular belief that the Hall of Champions was a “cheap location” the Hall was a spectacular location and according to this Raider's Digest staff is arguably the best dance location chosen from the past 4 dances [Prom '09 to Serendipity (Sweethearts) '08]. Thanks to the incredible and tremendous effort done by the ASB the dance could have hardly gone any better.

What exactly made this location so great? Well, for one, unlike in previous dances the floor had plenty of space without having to take out room for tables; also the hall had plenty of great displays for those who were not ready to dance yet or who were taking a break in areas that provided enough quite spots for people to have conversations without having to go outside. But, of course there was also the second level on which the students were allowed to go , and did so repeatedly throughout the night in several spontaneous dance lines, which one major occurring during the last song.

Of course this dance started like the other dances: a handful of people get there around the starting time and most people arrive 30 minutesto an hour later. In general it was a slow start but once it got started people did not want to stop and it could have very easily turned into one of those Quinceañera parties that go on until 3 a.m. The excited and energy was just too much to stifle. In fact the only noticeable complaint so far, was the fact that most of the music was Reggaeton and it was getting repetitive, but other than that there were few complaints. The only part left was to find out who would be the 2009 SOH's Best Man On Campus (BMOC).

With the Homecoming Queen having been announced the night before at the Homecoming game against Sweetwater High, Giovanni Ruiz proudly received the crown for the Homecoming Queen. And after the rest of the Homecoming court lined up to hear the announcement at the dance, Pedro Bonilla was voted Homecoming BMOC; the prize: a big fuzzy crown and robe, along with the cheer and applause of the student body. Afterwards the rest of the Court paired up and had a slow dance.

Teachers' contract may soon be settled.

Teachers and District Have Finally Reached Compromise!
By Elma Gonzalez

Last week every SUHSD student received a phone call from the district office. It was a message from superintendent, Jesus M Gandara, which informed parents and students of the Sweetwater district that negotiations with the teacher's union had finalized. According to Dr. Gandara, both parties reached a compromise at 12:30am on October 8. An agreement was written soon afterward, and at about 5:30 am, it was signed.
After a more than a year of bargaining, the district and the teacher's union finally compromised signing a 3-year tentative agreement. By 'tentative agreement', it is understood that the contract must still be officially approved by the union members.
According to SUHSD, the terms of the agreement are as follows:
  • A staff allocation of 30:1 for school year 2009-2010
  • A staff allocation of 31:1 for school years 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013
  • Increase in student contacts from 176 to 182 for school years 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013
  • Increase the number of sixth-period assignments available to teachers
  • Removal of the 4x4 block schedule at Montgomery High School from the contract
  • The Sweetwater Education Association agreed to withdraw its unfair labor practice charges against the district.
  • Not to implement any salary pay cuts during the life of the contract
  • To withdraw a proposal on district management rights
  • To withdraw a proposal for a two-tiered retirement health system
  • To withdraw a proposal to eliminate stipends for Adult School teachers
  • To establish a committee of administrators, teachers and a counselor to study the best academic program schedule for Montgomery High School. (The district eliminated the school's 4x4 quarter academic program at the beginning of this school year.)

SEA estimates that over 1,200 teachers showed up at the district office on October7 to let the fact-finding panel know how they felt about the negotiations. Although the district and the teacher's union had failed to compromise before, the 'fact-finding' panel brought both parties together, and proposed terms both the teachers and the district could agree on. But, how is reaching a compromise beneficial to SUHSD students? Well, as board President Jim Cartmill said, "In the end, our students are the winners because we [teachers and administrators] can all get back to the business of education." Not only will teachers be able to focus more on educating, but schools like Montgomery can now bring back the extracurricular activities that were affected by the lack of advisers. Also, more after-school tutoring can once again be offered without the 'work-to-the-rule' policy teachers had adopted as protest.
Being the second largest secondary district in California, about 2,200 teachers and nurses in SUHSD will be covered by the new contract. This means that overall, almost 42,800 students (not including adult learners) will be benefited by this agreement! In the end, we should be relieved our teachers didn't go on strike, and they are now able to prepare us for college and "continue to help us thrive"

Homecoming week and sports

Raiders show spirit through athletics
by Omar Arce

week was very hectic week. With only 4 days of school, one of them being a minimum day, and with two assemblies the week flew by and the weekend soon arrived. So did the sports. Friday the Lady Raiders volleyball team took on the San Ysidro Cougars, in the Raider Stadium. The freshman team did their thing and defeated their counterparts. So did the JV team. Then it was up to the Varsity team to complete the sweep. Finally the Lady Raiders swept San Ysidro in 3 consecutive sets with little opposition from the Cougars. Unfortunately, it did not go that well for the Football team. The team lost 35-0 against the Sweetwater Red Devils.

The next morning the
Southwest Cross Country team left school at 6 am to compete in the Southern California Invitational. Competition was tough with the fastest teams of California. However, many Raider Runners had great performances. Ramon Lupercio clocked an all-career personal record of 19 minutes and 27 seconds in a 5k race. On the girls sid,e Cassandra Palacios and Yessenia Baylon won medals for 12 and 25 place respectively in the 2.4 mile novice division.

SOH Aquatics

Raiders compete in Futbol De Agua

by Bob Chan

Well, it's time where we hop into the pool and get our Speedos on; at least for the Futbol De Agua team or water polo as some of you might know it. Water Polo is a team water sport and is the oldest continuous Olympic team sport. The playing team consists of six field players and one goalkeeper. Game play involves swimming, players passing the ball while being defended by opponents, and scoring by throwing into a net defended by a goalie. You need obviously to know how to swim, have good ball handling skills, have quick reflexes, and be very aware. Our Raiders have so far been 1-4 in their league and had recently beaten the Olympian Eagles. I interviewed Coach Carson and asked him some questions

RD: In your words what is water polo?

JC: It’s a mix between basketball, soccer and boxing.

RD: Why were you interested in this sport?

JC: I was looking for different sports and found this to be the most challenging and difficult sport

RD: Were you on your high school team?

JC: Yeah I played for Southwest.

RD: How long have you been coaching water polo?

JC: I started coaching around thirteen years ago and believe in loyalty. That’s why I am coaching Southwest.

RD: What are some qualitites expected of your players?

JC: I want them to be committed, have a desire to learn, and give it everything they have.

RD: What are your expectations for this year's team?

JC: We have a young team that will soon become a force to be reckoned with!

Coach Carson trying to rally his team against Mar Vista