Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Raiders come home
by Vianney Casas

Once upon a time...
There was a homecoming dance.

“It’s the night of our nights, it’s the night of our dreams...”

There’s this night in high school besides Prom you just cannot miss: The Homecoming Dance. And what’s even better is that the homecoming dance is available for students of all grade levels. This year’s homecoming dance was a success; its theme was Disney. You imagined it right, it was all a fairytale.

Of course, the homecoming queen and king (or Big Man On Campus A.K.A BMOC) weren't forgotten. All candidates were wished good luck and all deserved to win, unfortunately only one princess and one prince could. The queen (Stacey Ruiz) was announced on the night before the dance during the Homecoming Game. The BMOC was announced that October 23, the actual night of the dance. All candidates were as charming as princes we see on Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping beauty, however, Hugo Flores ended up becoming the BMOC. Going back a few minutes, you could totally feel the suspense as people waited for the BMOC to be announced a few seconds that seemed like a hours and then... Hugo Flores! Pretty much everyone ran towards and hugged him, screaming his name in a chorus. At the end it was worth the wait, no matter whom you voted for, the best won.

The dance itself was amazing. There was nothing else you saw but beautiful girls in dresses of different kinds and colors and handsome guys with ties. Surprisingly, not all couples were boy-girl. You could see group of girls together as well as boys and still you could see them having fun! “Who needs a boyfriend/girlfriend anyway to have fun?” was their question. Speaking of which, I’m 99% positive everyone had fun. Music of all kind was played by the DJ: from Hip-Hop, reggeton, banda, slow songs and a bit of Pop. The dance floor was filled with teenagers having no regrets and just dancing like popcorn popping in a microwave and lets not forget the slow songs! Those who were with their boyfriend/girlfriend got a little romantic and danced their arms wrapped around each other, just like in a fairytale. The whole thing was movie-like, and, of course, an experience that those who went will never forget, and not just for students, because, believe it or not, teachers went as well, alone, with a friend or a date. Ever wondered what makes high school unforgettable? Well homecoming is definitely one of those.

To get more details and in case you want to see pictures buy our SOH yearbooks.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Consider vegetarian

Think before you eat
By Sierra Holter
We go to school to educate ourselves, so why not become educated about what you eat? Every day, countless animals are being murdered for humans. They live their lives in what seems to be death camps just waiting for their day to be slaughtered. Every day, cows, chickens, pigs and all other livestock are being pumped with growth hormones, shoved into tiny cages and being poked and proded until their bodies give out because of their weight, or they are slaughtered.

There are more chickens on earth than there are humans.Yet we kill more than 23 million chickens daily for meat. Chickens are extraordinary animals though their brains may only be the size of a walnut. These animals have their own language with more than 40,000 different dialects, also, when a chick is born and the mother needs to go tend to other business other female chickens will babysit the chick until the mother returns. So next time you're enjoying fried chicken or pollo asado remember these creatures are capable of love and deserve to be treated as the wonderful animals they are.

Most people never have the chance to meet their meat. Well here's your chance. Cows are amazing animals that hear,feel and remember almost everything. These animals are beaten, pumped with steroids,deprived of their children and forced into cages half their size. Like humans, cows produce milk when they give birth to a calf. Dairy cows are artificially inseminated to produce milk. Once born their calfs are taken to other farms to be raised for meat or if they're females they are kept on the dairy farm and the cycle starts over. If people knew the awesome things cows are capable of they might consider buying a salad instead of a cheeseburger. We have a second chance to rethink what we eat, whereas 100,000 cows do not have any option to whether they become someone's meal or not.
Did you know pigs are smarter than our dogs? Did you know pigs can play video games and can dream much like humans? These are only few of the interesting talents pig have. Even though they are one of the world's 3 smartest animals we kill more than 150,000 each day. Most factory farms do not have the most humane killing methods: a recent investigation in 2008 found that pigs were being lifted by chains around their necks and hung for until finally their necks were slit open. This is against many laws in the United States and ultimately the factory was shut down. The pigs in that farm were lucky and no doubt there are many more farms all over the world just like this one. Pigs are as smart as 3-year old children; we dont eat our kids or our dogs, so why would we eat these cute little animals?


Face the facts: eating meat does so much unnecessary harm to millions of animals every day. Calves, chicks, and piglettes will grow up in factory farms alone with no families or friends. Every day they will be tortured until they are big enough to be slaughtered. You can help stop this cruelty by not eating meat,but, if you cannot give up animal flesh you can always be a part of many animal cruelty prevention groups. This madness can be stopped. A cow may not be a cute cat, a pig may not be man's best friend, and a chicken may not be a cute little hamster, but these animals deserve to be loved and will show you love if we just gave them the chance. So next time youre about to enjoy that hamburger remember just because it doesn't cuddle with you at night or bring you the morning newspaper doesn't make it any less of a living being.

Felix "El Gato" Castro

To an athlete dying young
By Stephanie Meza

Felix "El Gato" Castro was a former raider who passed away on October 9, 2010. What made Castro stand out from other alumni was his boxing career. Felix Castro was born on December 16, 1991. Castro had a future in boxing in Mexico: he represented Baja California in the national Olympic, and brought back home 2 medals in 2008 and 2009. He would train every day at the Mojac gym, with hope in his heart than one day his name would be known all around the world for what he did in the boxing ring. Felix had the support from everyone around him, especially his father and coach. With his mind set to succeed, Felix was on his journey for a second victory, but unfortunately life came unexpected and he couldn't get his second victory.

On Saturday, October 9th, 2010 while at a family reunion, Felix was chewing on a water bottle cap and swallowed it by accident. Felix immediately tried to pull it out, and many of his family members tried to help, but it was useless - the cap was stuck. They rushed him to the hospital, but he died on the way there. His death was a surprise to everyone, the way it happened made many people reflect on how death comes unexpectedly at times. No one expected Felix, a boxing champion, to die at such a young age and in such an unexpected way.
His classmates from the class of 2010 were in shock. Tabatha Aceves, a former Raider who was a friend of Felix said: "Felix was such a sweet and fun person...I saw him as a happy individual because he was good at what he loved doing the most: Boxing." Tabatha also added: "I'm very sad and shocked by his death, and mostly because the way it happened could have been prevented, I will always remember him." Another friend, Jorge Beltran also told us: "It's awfully ironic how such a strong, dedicated champion could go down so easily in an accident as such. Really makes you think about how life could be taken away with so much ease if one is not respects Felix "EL Gato" Castro..."
Champion, and loyal friend, Felix will always be remembered for the magic and power he created with his boxing gloves on, and for the funny and happy guy everyone knew at school.
R.I.P. Felix "El Gato" Castro.

"So set, before its echoes fade,
The fleet foot on the sill of shade,
And hold to the low lintel up
The still-defended challenge-cup..."

You will be missed but NEVER forgotten.

Bullying can lead to death

Raiders Don't Bully
By Vianney Casas

Bullying? Homicide.

“Nine teens, including three juveniles, have been charged in connection with the death of a 15-year-old Massachusetts girls who committed suicide after weeks of bullying on Facebook and at her high school.” “Seth Walsh, a California teen spent the better part of the last 10 days on life support after attempting suicide over relentless bullying because he was gay.” “Jon Carmichael took his own life Sunday after what some say was bullying by bigger classmates.”

“In the US, a person convicted of murder is typically given a life sentence or even the death penalty for such an act.”

Bullies are nothing but murderers. The coldest, heartless way to murder someone slowly, breaking their heart in the process, causing a mix of the worst feelings is killing someone with words, words coming out of our mouths like rattlesnakes. For the heartless bullies out there: Do you not realize all you’re causing? Can’t you see it in the person's face? The pain, the heartbreak your nasty offending words are causing ? What if someone else teated you the same way? Now, let's see how that feels.

Why do people bully? Is it pure boredom, no life, nothing better to do? Is it ignorance, feeling like you’re God to judge others and superior enough to put people down,feeling like they’re in Hell? Is it that you're so mad at the world, so insecure about yourself, that you have to take it out on someone else? Someone that didn’t do a thing to you and yet you kill them. Wait, I think I know the answer. Maybe you just like ending people’s lives. Destroying a family, the future they had ahead. Maybe you like knowing they will never accomplish what they had planned, have a family, live a life like the one you’ll keep living and should’ve spent in jail for the damaged done.

Why can’t people accept others the way they are. There’s racism, making fun of homosexuals, or just simply the talking about someone because of the way they dress, they think, they speak, they act. But how about you? Do you for some reason think you’re perfect? Do you feel like you have a right to make people feel like they’re the worst thing in the world. Do you think you have the right to destroy their lives? Keep laughing. Do you think it's funny how someone committed suicide because of you, how a family is breaking down in tears because of you? Save them a little pain, the sleepless nights, the fear to present themselves to the world, the thoughts, the humiliation. Why don’t you save them all you cause. I suggest you think before you speak. Just think, get in that person’s shoes for just a minute. Let's see if those words come out, lets see if you can laugh.

Anti-Bullying laws are being enforced where the schools can expel the person bullying and the authorities might take care of it. I say give them life sentence. After all what they do is kill an innocent individual with a heart.

And for those out there that are being bullied: Don't worry, everything will be OK. Don’t be afraid to speak up. You’re amazing just the way you are. There are plenty people out there that love you for who you are. Believe me. You’re worth way more than those who hurt others.
