Wednesday, May 23, 2012

summer movies

Be a Cinema Avenger
by: Jocelyn Leal

Did you give up on movies after Harry Potter last year? Well it’s time to get back on track! There is lots to pick from this year like Dr.Seuss, Vampires, Werewolves, Hunger Games, marriage, pregnancy, reunions and yes Superheroes. We all know Harry Potter can never be replaced but hey, give The Hunger Games a chance, because no doubt it will be the next teen phenomenon. Enough talking about one heroine, now let’s talk about the true heroes, comic book ones anyways. Yes, The Avengers was amazing but they’re not the only heroes out there this year. Along with The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises, this is definitely the year of the Superheroes. So happy Hunger Games everyone get out the house this summer and enjoy some summer blockbusters. However, if you’re really picky about your movies watch them with your friends so no matter what you’ll always have a movie in common with your buddies. Have fun this summer Raiders, and forget about school. Well atleast until the last week when all you underclassmen rush to finish your AP assignments.


Get Innovated
by: Yadira Ramon-Soto

On May 11th   Innovations also known as Choir took the stage in the Drama room for their farewell concert. Students poured their hearts out on stage as they have all year. Innovations has only been around 2 years but they’ve achieved so much. They went to Disneyland to compete and brought home 1st place and even won the biggest award possible “Most Spirited,” and along with that title came a beautiful trophy and bragging rights over 30 other schools that competed. Innovations has come a long way and will only improve with the years to come. This is not the end of Innovations, they will be doing big things in the future.


 Just Join
by: Renato Campos

Do you have some extra time on your hands and would like to get involved in school? The South West Drumline is a new club that started this semester. Drumline is open to anyone who is interested in playing percussion. There are various instruments to choose from, and depending on that instrument you will either be stationary or marching. Don’t worry if you’ve never even touched a drum before, Drumline will teach you everything you need to know. During practices you will warm-up with the instrument you will play, and will learn a performance that the coach has put together. After a couple weeks of practicing you will be able to compete all around the county, and hopefully win. If you’re ready to join a team and be part of a second family Drumline is definitely for you!

Monday, May 21, 2012


 by: Alejandra Morales

 Music is a part of everyone's life. Whether it is used for religious purposes or just for entertainment. Most of  the time it is used as a way for people to express themselves because they are not able to express themselves with just words.  Everyone has been exposed to music one way or another because it is everywhere.  It's at parties or get togethers, church, school, even in commercials. At school you can see many people with their earphones on and plugged into their phone or Ipod. They even have them on during class hoping the teacher won't notice. Most students would love to listen music all the time if they could. Different people have different taste in music. Some people like Pop or Rap others prefer Banda or maybe Rock. Even if everybody likes a different kind of music they all LOVE music.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


A New Beginning
by: Destinee Torres

Our time in High School is coming to an end. Time to say goodbye to everyone we are so used to saying 'Hello' to everyday. Time to get ready to start something new. These few moments we have left together, are the ones we'll hold closest to us. Some of us will stay, some of us will leave. Since Freshman year we've felt the need to rush through High School, but now with only a few days left we start to get the feeling to want to relive it all and start High School all over again. High School is a once in a lifetime experience, and now that it's coming to an end we realize that our lives are barely starting. We will no longer walk the same hallways, share the same classes, see each other everyday. Once we cross that stage and receive our diplomas our lives will have changed forever and we will go our separate ways. The people we have been with since Freshman year are the people we have grown up with, the people we call our second family. South West High has been our second home for four years and in a couple of days it will be the home we leave behind to start a new beginning. Class of 2012 it's time to say goodbye and go on with our own lives. The best of luck to everyone on their journey through life. 
by: Juliet Gutierrez

Grad-Nite is about having fun with all your friends. Dance until your feet can't dance anymore. Grad-Nite is for all seniors, but sadly there's not room for everyone. This year we had to order a whole other bus to take 50 more students. At Disneyland, where Grad-Nite takes place, you go on the rides, dance and obviously, take a bunch of pictures with your friends. After all, the most important thing about this night is to make everlasting memories with your friends. Most Seniors have been looking forward to this night since Freshman year and in 5 days it'll be here. So get those Mickey Mouse ears ready for an unforgettable night.  Be safe and have an amazing night Class of Midnight. 


South West Senior High
by: Cheyenne Alexander

South West High School, in San Diego, a small school right next to a whole different world. Some people talk trash about South West because they think it's poor, they think it's ghetto, they think we have nothing to be proud about. Those people are wrong, those people truly don't know how great our school is.Our Academic League, our Band, and our Athletes have proven to be the brightest stars in the SUHSD.

Our Academic League has won so many games against so-called " smart" schools that we have the right to brag about it, but we don't because we have too much class. Choir won first place in their division,pretty awesome, considering it was their first year competing. Also, last summer our drama class put on a play that was phenomenal. Last but not least, our amazing Raider Athletes. Whether you play Soccer, Waterpolo, Baseball, Football, Roller Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball, Golf or run Track, you are a part of a family. All our teams are made up of smart and kind students who give it their all. This year Roller Hockey and Soccer won the league banner for our school, way to be undefeated!

Listen up Raiders! We have been proving those trash-talkers wrong. Let's now work together and make this new school year the best ever! After all we are RAIDERS, and we have the power to be our best.