For the past week, teachers at SOH have continued to push for a new contract. We see our teachers every morning passing out flyers, holding signs, and desperately trying to communicate to students and parents the importance of finally deciding on a new contract. Although the 'work to rule' policy has not had such a huge impact here at SOH, other schools like Montgomery have completely eliminated clubs and after-school tutoring programs. At MOH, clubs like MEChA, which is still running here, have lost their advisers and are now having to be run by the students themselves.
However, this seems to have not done much difference to the district, for there hasn't been much progress since Raiders Digest last reported on the issue. Head Union Representative at SOH, Linda O'Carroll, informs that on October 7, when teachers are out on vacation, a labor relations representative from the state of California will come together with both parties and engage in a process called fact-finding. This means both parties will present their propositions to the state rep, and he/she, having analysed all points, will advise the district on what to do. Although the fact-finder's decision "will most likely be pro-teacher," explains O'Carroll, " he/she can only advise the district since the teachers' contract only provides advisory arbitration, and therefore the district can refuse the fact-finder's advice."
*For more on this issue go to: