Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day Of Silence
by: Yadira Ramon-Soto
& Leslie Leal

The Day of Silence is known over schools world wide and took place at Southwest High School on April 20th, 2012. This day is dedicated to all those gay, straight, bisexual, transgender and lesbian people who are seeking support from others. This day many students participate and commit to not talking during the whole day in order to show that ending the silence is  the first step toward building awareness. It is to  those who have been silenced by fear of showing who they really are and those who have taken their lives for being bullied that we silence our voices for just one day. We are here to show that they are not alone, that no matter what sexual orientation, color or ethnicity you are ,we are all equal and are one. We must stand up for what we believe in and not be silenced by our fears. SOH students have showed that they care about showing respect to lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender people that have been harassed or bullied. We appreciate all the students at SOH who participated in the Day of Silence. Thanks for being part of the change.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Seniors Last Day

The Last Day
by:Vanessa Cintron

As the end of Senior year approaches we begin to realize that our life will change. Leaving our friends and family to begin our new life. Some of us don't want to realize that our moments together are ending. That our last day together is less than a month away. Our last chance to make memories together is on May 24th 2012.

May 24th is a day that every senior has been waiting for since Freshman year. It's the last day of school and more importantly Grad Nite. On that day most seniors will walk off campus for the last time and remember all the good and bad times that we all shared together over he last four years. Once we walk off this campus the ending process will begin. A week later we will walk in Cricket Amphitheater and officially be High School Graduates.