Raider Football Starts Off Strong
by: Cheyenne Alexander
Great job at the football game last Friday, Football players! Our Raiders did a fantastic job of stopping the Hamilton football team. The team did their best and didn't stop until they took it home, and they got what they all worked so hard for, which was 27 to 0.What a wonderful game! Keep up the amazing work, boys! Remember always believe in yourself and your teammates and a little hard work will pay off. Always,"Imagine, believe and you will Succeed."
R.J Rodriguez said, "The game was exciting, we had confidence that we were going to win. Our coaches, team players, cheerleaders and the fans on the bleacher were our motivations. We are looking forward to wining the bell back this year." R.J also stated that Ernie made 3 touch downs and that includes the the first touch down. Then R.J included that B.J made a touch down as well. R.J was very proud at all the members and hard work they put in the game and so were the coaches.Keep it up, Raiders, show off that team spirit!
Yadira Ramon-Soto stated that "The game was very fun because we won and because the game was very intense." She ended her statement with, "Southwest Raiders are on top!"
Jocelyne Chavarin, who is a cheerleader said, " The game was a memorable first game and it was a lot of fun cheering for the guys."
Jocelyn Leal, a fan of our football team, supported the boys by yelling and cheering from the bleachers. She said, "I was so proud of them."
Raiders, keep up all the hard work. Always keep in mind to never stop trying and always do your best. Our school is very, proud of you and we are supporting you every step of the way. Good luck to you guys for the up coming games that await you. Everyone has faith in you guys. Dont ever stop believing in yourself and your teammates. Congratulations, way to start off the season!