by Omar Arce
It has been almost three weeks since disaster struck Haiti. As days pass, more help arrives to the Caribbean country, but it is not enough. At Southwest High School efforts to aid in the reconstruction of Haiti are shaping up.
There are two ways to help. The first is to donate canned food or clothes. These are being collected at every classroom. The organizers of this drive are Mr. Roncoroni's third period Geography class. This group of Freshmen will collect the donations all week during step
The other way to help trough money donations. Junior Stephanie Meza has tried to organized a collection that will be fruitful enough to create an impact. " The idea came to me when I was watching disturbing clips of the Haiti victims on television, and what was even more disturbing was that no one that I knew was trying to help. It made no sense to me how someone can just be okay with themselves, while someone else in the world is suffering like that," said Meza. Her plan is to " an acount for Haiti relief through video tech club, so people can donate money through there. My goal is to collect as much money as possible and send it to the Hope for Haiti Now Foundation..." Donation cans will be provided during the week.