Monday, September 21, 2009

Women's Golf

Lady Raider leads golf team
By Omar Arce

Many people at school believe that golf is not a team sport, perhaps because golf practices and games never take place inside the school. Golf like any other sport requires ambition, deidication, and a spark of talent.
Raiders Digest had the opportunity to talk to Elma Gonzalez this year's women's golf captain.

RD: Why did you decide to play golf?
EG: When I was in middle school my PE teacher got me into it.

RD: How much do you like golf?
EG: I know that when I'm old and retired, all I'll want to do is play golf. That's how much I like golf.

RD: How did you become captain and what does it mean to you?
EM: Well, when I first joined there weren't many players on the team, so I automatically became the captain. But now there are about 9 players. I think I was chosen as the captain because I have the most experience. Being captain means a lot to me. This is one of the few leadership positions I hold at school and I'm just glad it's something I enjoy so much.

RD:What is the most difficult thing about golf?
EG:Many people think that its just hitting a ball with a club, but there is an appropriate posture, and you have to focus at looking at the ball when you hit it. So you really have to concentrate.

RD: How many players do you have this year?
EG: We have about 9 players, more than we need which is good.

RD: How much do you practice?
EG: We practice 3 times a week for an hour and a half.

RD: Do you have a good chance at getting a banner this year?
EG: We do have a good chance. We have a lot of people with experience.

RD: What would you say to people that do not recognize golf's credibility?
EG: Golf is a very difficult sport. It requires everything other sports require, and I think people should realize that.

As the year advances, Elma will contnue to lead the team in their quest to win matches, a banner and a reputation for the Women's Golf team at SOH. Raider's digest will continue to cover the golf team.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! A bunch of mini Tiger Woods people! Oh the fantastic joy of golf!
