Monday, October 26, 2009

Cost of College Rising

Dont end your Edu with IOU's
by Jasmine Straw

It's about the time that Seniors should be applying for colleges. But what about the cost?

This fall the student fees for CSUs have increased. It was said to be $306 for undergraduates, $354 for students getting their teaching credentials, and $376 for graduate students. This rise has put the annual cost to a little over $4,000.

Without the price rise, CSUs would have to make class cuts, program cuts, and class size increases. Some students think the increase was valid, that they are paying for teachers with good credentials and a school that gives good higher level education, but others think they are being punished for wanting to later make a difference in others lives.

Many students who receive financial aid are seemingly unaffected by the increase, but those that aren't receiving it were stressing out to find ways to pay for their classes. Some students that were left in the dark about the price increase were struggling even more with only a month to a few weeks to pay for their classes.

Going to a community college was an option that some students had considered because of this event. Community college tuition fees is a smaller hole in your pocket to deal with, but it might take a longer time to get out of there.

REMEMBER THIS - Start applying for scholarships and grants NOW! Don't wait until tomorrow, you might miss out on a great scholarship. It's free money and less money that you have to pay yourself.


  1. Thats good that the goverment is giving more cuts since we should spend it on more important things like miliatary

  2. who asked for your rating. maybe you should join the newspaper and write some articles yourself instead of judging something you cant do.

  3. well anonymous, you obviously have been poorly educated at whatever school you are going to or went, for you obviosuly can't read or know anything about economics.

    1. this article doesnt say anything about dropping out, it says that people are going to commuity college because it cost more

    2. in times of recession the government should spend more to keep the economy from slowing down even more
