Monday, November 9, 2009

Be More Than Just a Test Score
by Martin Zazueta

When applying to college and conducting scholarship searches students may feel that they are unjustly being over judged on their GPA and SAT/ACT scores. This can be very frustrating because many students know or feel that they have more potential than what just a few numbers can say.

However, those students need fear no more for there exists a website whose motto is: "I'm More Than Just a Test Score". This website is called and it is a sort of combination of Facebook and Here students can make an account to help fill out an academic and social profile in which they will be given a chance to show their full potential to universities. The website is filled with chances to show off your student accomplishments. Any clubs and sports you've participated in, any award/honor you've received or community service activities can be and are encouraged to be included in your student profile. Zinch even has a spot for student work called "Talent Show": here students can submit any essays, poetry, videos, and pictures that they would like colleges to see (try doing that on

The bread and butter of Zinch is that most colleges are actively using the site to search for potential students. Even better yet students can send "shout outs" to the universities that they are interested in receiving more information from those colleges which, in turn, can then review the student's awesome profile. Also Zinch takes all the information from the students profile and uses it to find scholarships whose criteria matches the student's profile. You might say that and but the fact is that Zinch will list for you most of the same scholarships that the other websites will list and even more scholarships that are rarely seen in other places.

So, don't delay any longer, students if you are going to spent hours online, instead of updating your myspace profile go make a Zinch profile at to start finding scholarships and connecting with colleges.

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