Is Twilight a New Sensation or a New Fad?
By Robert Garcia
Twilight has become a franchise and is now being marketed everywhere, when it comes to teeth actually drinking blood. Twilight has become more and more of a popular trend among most of the girls in schools and out of school. You do see some boys into the whole concept of 'Whom do you choose - Team Edward or Team Jacob?', but the majority is girls. Because of this new popular trend people have been getting fake teeth at Hot Topic, getting real teeth like vampires, and buying Twilight-themed items. Twilight is a growing trend that is sweeping the nation fast and quick. And the premier of the movie has only helped the marketing of Twilight-themed items. Not saying this is a bad thing it’s just we don’t want them to start drinking blood anytime soon because then things get really creepy. But just like fanny-packs Twilight- related items will some come to a close, unless they make twilight themed fanny-packs then we might all lose there.
idk why people watch this crap!