Monday, April 12, 2010


San Diego Faces Earthquake Alert
by Omar Arce

According to the County of San Diego official website, "every year approximately 500 earthquakes occur in the state of California that are large enough to be felt. San Diego County, in comparison to other southern California areas, has sparse seismicity. However, since 1984, earthquake activity in San Diego County has doubled over that of the preceding 50 years."

This fact were exemplified by the 7.2 magnitude that shook
San Diego on April 4 at 3:40 PM, and the cluster of milder earthquakes that have followed it for a week has cost $100 million in damages.
Are you prepared for the next big earthquake? Here are some tips on what to do and before and during earthquake.

Before the Earthquake:
-Establish all the possible ways to exit your house. Keep those areas clear.
-Know the locations of the nearest fire and
police stations.
-Conduct Earthquake: Duck, Cover & Hold drills every six months with your family.
-Know the safest place in each room because it will be difficult to move from one room to another during a quake.
-Locate the
shutoff valves for water, gas and electricity. Learn how to shut off the valves before a quake.

During the Earthquake:
-Stay away from heavy furniture, appliances, large glass panes, shelves holding objects, and large decorative masonry, brick or plaster such as fireplaces.
-Keep your hallway clear. It is usually one of the safest places to be during an earthquake.
-Stay away from kitchens and garages, which tend to be the most dangerous places because of the many items kept there.

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