Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Raiders want their teacher
By Jasmine Straw

Last year, there was a lot of ruckus about an AP class that wasn't going to be offered at our school. This class was AP Physics. For our students to be able to get this course offered, many signed a petition and even argued with the principal about why the class should be offered.
Earlier that year, our parents and students fought to keep two of our teachers, Mr. Orin and Miss Waters, expecting to see them on campus this year. To the student's great surprise, they did not see them that following school year. The courses that they had once taught were being taught by a new teacher, or no teacher at all.
In room 905, AP Physics, CP Physics, and Earth Science are supposed to taught, yet there is still no permanent teacher in that spot. It has been over a month since school started and there is still no actual learning going on. Many, if not all, students are getting rather upset about this, even their parents.
At Open House, many of the AP Physics students' parents came to open and complained to the principal about this issue. There, parents were told that there was a teacher being put into the position and that it would take 3-5 business days until said teacher would be finished signing the contract. Yet eight "business days" later, there is still a substitute teacher in that position.
The students are asking their substitute when they are supposed to be getting their teacher, but even she doesn't know. It seems like everything about this is being kept in the dark and the students can only hope that they have their teacher when they walk into the class. They definitely have been more than patient.

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