Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Felix "El Gato" Castro

To an athlete dying young
By Stephanie Meza

Felix "El Gato" Castro was a former raider who passed away on October 9, 2010. What made Castro stand out from other alumni was his boxing career. Felix Castro was born on December 16, 1991. Castro had a future in boxing in Mexico: he represented Baja California in the national Olympic, and brought back home 2 medals in 2008 and 2009. He would train every day at the Mojac gym, with hope in his heart than one day his name would be known all around the world for what he did in the boxing ring. Felix had the support from everyone around him, especially his father and coach. With his mind set to succeed, Felix was on his journey for a second victory, but unfortunately life came unexpected and he couldn't get his second victory.

On Saturday, October 9th, 2010 while at a family reunion, Felix was chewing on a water bottle cap and swallowed it by accident. Felix immediately tried to pull it out, and many of his family members tried to help, but it was useless - the cap was stuck. They rushed him to the hospital, but he died on the way there. His death was a surprise to everyone, the way it happened made many people reflect on how death comes unexpectedly at times. No one expected Felix, a boxing champion, to die at such a young age and in such an unexpected way.
His classmates from the class of 2010 were in shock. Tabatha Aceves, a former Raider who was a friend of Felix said: "Felix was such a sweet and fun person...I saw him as a happy individual because he was good at what he loved doing the most: Boxing." Tabatha also added: "I'm very sad and shocked by his death, and mostly because the way it happened could have been prevented, I will always remember him." Another friend, Jorge Beltran also told us: "It's awfully ironic how such a strong, dedicated champion could go down so easily in an accident as such. Really makes you think about how life could be taken away with so much ease if one is not careful...my respects Felix "EL Gato" Castro..."
Champion, and loyal friend, Felix will always be remembered for the magic and power he created with his boxing gloves on, and for the funny and happy guy everyone knew at school.
R.I.P. Felix "El Gato" Castro.

"So set, before its echoes fade,
The fleet foot on the sill of shade,
And hold to the low lintel up
The still-defended challenge-cup..."

You will be missed but NEVER forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. we appreciate you taking youre time honor him. hes unlcle Alex J. Cuellar(hes uncle)
