Monday, May 16, 2011

Al Qaeda Leader Eliminated

Osama Bin Laden dead
by Stephanie Meza

On Sunday, May 1st, President Barack Obama surprised everyone in the United States when he announced that the U.S. Forces killed Osama Bin Laden during a fire fight. Bin Laden is the man responsible for many of the recent terrorist attacks against the United States and one of the most wanted persons in the world. He is well known for being responsible for the 9/11 Twin Towers attacks, where thousands of people died.

"Justice has been done" stated President Obama when he gave a announced the operation in the White House. Despite the fact that many Americans were happy about the incident, many other Americans had different opinions.

Students all over Southwest High School filled their Facebook walls with what they thought about what happened, here are some thoughts that raiders want to share:

"I feel like its great we killed the man who destroyed lives, but then again scared because what if this increases the terrorist attack rate & cause a further war?" -Alexa de Lugo

"It was surprising. I had been out all day, and when I checked my Facebook everyone was celebrating his death. I thought it was ridiculous that so many people were celebrating the death of a man, despite all the horrible things he did or caused, he is still a human being." -Andre Osuna

"I was surprised and happy because Bin Laden deserved that and more" -Maria Fernanda Montiel

"No human deserves to die." -Alexia Chavira

"It doesn't make a difference!
It's just one person. There are many more leaders in that group."- Brian Berman

"I felt that at last he was found, but no one deserves to die. It might start a more severe conflict" -Salvador Hernandez

"I was actually unaware but I thought it would only bring more problems" -Chantal Romero

There are obviously many different sides of this argument. Either people are happy that after ten years, Bin Laden's death is finally bringing justice to all those families who lost a loved one in the 9/11 attacks. However, some believe Bin Laden's death was a wrong thing and it is only going to bring more problems in the United States.
No one is saying to change your opinion, but as an American, you should be informed by the two different sides of the argument.
The big picture is that one of the world's most wanted terrorist is dead, and families can now have some peace in mind.

*If you're really interested in politics, you should consider joining Junior State of America (JSA) next year.

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