Wednesday, September 21, 2011


SOH Construction to Overcome Snags
by: Omar Navarro

We’ve all noticed the construction at our school and have asked ourselves why isn’t done already? Why aren't there any workers? According to proposition O, it's supposed to repair and improve old and new schools - 42,000 middle and high schools. Proposition O is giving nine of the oldest schools in the district these funds first, such as Sweetwater High School, Montgomery High School, Mar Vista High School and Southwest High School. Construction usually takes about two years, and so far ours has taken three years and it doesn't look like it'll be done any time soon. HAAR, the company that was in charge of the construction
construction, had some problems paying their subcontractors causing the deadline to be pushed further and further back. Because of all the unanswered questions, this Raider sought out the truth.

Q: What is the main reason why there's no work getting done on our construction site?

A: “HAAR wasn't paying the subcontractors, that’s why there's no work getting done”.

Q: What are your feelings towards the completion deadline being pushed back?

A: “Disappointed, sad that it had to be that way, but good as well because it will be back on track.”
Q: When can we expect work to begin?
A: “Work is expected to begin after the next board meeting, and be ready next year.”
Q:Many of the seniors are disappointed that there isn’t a Senior lawn anymore. Is there anything you
can do about that?

A: “I am open to suggestions about a new senior lawn, or make a bench with 2012 imprinted in it or a plaque remembering class of 2012, I'm open to any suggestions.”

As construction is expected to be completed next year, us Raiders will have to hang in there with the daily, noisy, interruptions. As for Class of 2012 we will have to unite and push for a bench or plaque or anything that will leave a memory of us imprinted in the school. Though the pending construction has been a main issue for three years, it will be a beautiful contribution to our school and will be beautiful when completed.

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