Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
by Estevan Fernandez
I'm pretty sure you have, at least once, heard the song Titanium by David Guetta, but have you seen the video? It starts by showing a kid who is trying to make sense of his devastated life, with no help, parents, or friends to turn to. He is presented as an outcast, a "weirdo", and is feared by people for being different. It can be most simply described as just "fiction with good special effects", but what I saw was more than just entertainment. As described in the news channel in the video, a "supernatural occurrence at public school" is what happened. The innocent kid destroyed the inner installations of a school, outcome caused by an outburst of rage due to exclusion and loneliness. The producers make it seem as if it was an extremely rare event only possible in fiction movies, sadly, it has happened in real life too.
We all look for acceptance in one way or another, maybe because it makes us feel important or because it builds up our self-esteem, but when you have no one to turn to, no one to talk to, no one to share your problems with, you learn to deprive your feelings and notice that everything that is left are memories of rejection and unpleasant experiences. Living in conditions like these often leads to depression, outbursts of rage, or even suicide. Such is the case of the "Columbine Massacre" in April 20th, 1999, where Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, two students tired of mistreatment, killed twelve other students, one teacher, and themselves, causing a total of fifteen deaths.
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) "suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year." Yale's School of Medicine researches have shown that victims of bullying are between "2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims." Considering that for every suicide, there are at least 100 suicide attempts and that 14% of high school students have, at least once in their lives, thought of committing suicide.
The message of the song is positive and encouraging. Talking about finding your inner strength and triumph over the adversary. Unluckily, not everyone who is bullied is as strong as "titanium". But it's not because they're not strong that people should stop bullying, it is because it’s simply the right thing to do. It is unethical to make people feel less with themselves. It might make you feel better with yourself, but what about the bullied? Most of the times it is impossible to know what a person goes trough at home, some try to get out of home to escape a danger, but when at school, all they find is a replacement. Create consciousness of your own acts and care for the lives of those in danger. They have feelings too.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Raider Open House
by Carlos GomezAt some schools open house is just a night of familiarizing yourself with the school and the expectations for the development of the year, but that's not the Raider Way! How are we different? You may ask yourself. Well that's not difficult to show. This year under the incomparable leadership of our principal, Mr. Romero, the grand opening of our new building and a whole new set of standards that raises hope for a better academic and athletic year were all illustrated at the Open House for the 2012-2013 academic year. From class to class students rushed to explore every corner of the campus so that parents could be informed about what is expected from their sons/daughters this year so that they could serve as a tool in the learning process of their students. As Mr. Leaf has frequently said, "there ain't no frigate like a book, to take our lands away", reflecting his high expectations for his AP English Literature class. As parents learned from teachers, there are high expectations for every single student on campus and so a parent-teacher collaboration will be an evident advantage for the student body. As Mr. Jeffries would say, "ain't that the truth." This year was the grand opening of our new 1100 building which was approved by voters who favored Prop 0, which added funds for schools to use in expansion for the "benefit of the students". This high-tech building hosts English, Math and video tech classes as well as the new ASB office. The official opening took place with a ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Mr. Romero, SUHSD administrators and community guests; the moment brought about a feeling of joy and high hope for all the Raider community, because knowing that we have the potential in being the best school of the district, we can't fall short in our efforts for a fantastic year. The night went along with musical performances by the Wayfarers, cheer leading performances, and some amazing food provided by the school. Speaking in the popular word of the night "this was definitely a day to remember" not only for the students and parents but for the staff and community. We have to remember that being a Raider is not a option at SOH, because who we are (RAIDERS!) makes a difference. This was made clear during this years Open House.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
summer movies
Monday, May 21, 2012
by: Alejandra Morales
Music is a part of everyone's life. Whether it is used for religious purposes or just for entertainment. Most of the time it is used as a way for people to express themselves because they are not able to express themselves with just words. Everyone has been exposed to music one way or another because it is everywhere. It's at parties or get togethers, church, school, even in commercials. At school you can see many people with their earphones on and plugged into their phone or Ipod. They even have them on during class hoping the teacher won't notice. Most students would love to listen music all the time if they could. Different people have different taste in music. Some people like Pop or Rap others prefer Banda or maybe Rock. Even if everybody likes a different kind of music they all LOVE music.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
by: Destinee Torres
Our time in High School is coming to an end. Time to say goodbye to everyone we are so used to saying 'Hello' to everyday. Time to get ready to start something new. These few moments we have left together, are the ones we'll hold closest to us. Some of us will stay, some of us will leave. Since Freshman year we've felt the need to rush through High School, but now with only a few days left we start to get the feeling to want to relive it all and start High School all over again. High School is a once in a lifetime experience, and now that it's coming to an end we realize that our lives are barely starting. We will no longer walk the same hallways, share the same classes, see each other everyday. Once we cross that stage and receive our diplomas our lives will have changed forever and we will go our separate ways. The people we have been with since Freshman year are the people we have grown up with, the people we call our second family. South West High has been our second home for four years and in a couple of days it will be the home we leave behind to start a new beginning. Class of 2012 it's time to say goodbye and go on with our own lives. The best of luck to everyone on their journey through life.
by: Cheyenne Alexander
South West High School, in San Diego, a small school right next to a whole different world. Some people talk trash about South West because they think it's poor, they think it's ghetto, they think we have nothing to be proud about. Those people are wrong, those people truly don't know how great our school is.Our Academic League, our Band, and our Athletes have proven to be the brightest stars in the SUHSD.
Our Academic League has won so many games against so-called " smart" schools that we have the right to brag about it, but we don't because we have too much class. Choir won first place in their division,pretty awesome, considering it was their first year competing. Also, last summer our drama class put on a play that was phenomenal. Last but not least, our amazing Raider Athletes. Whether you play Soccer, Waterpolo, Baseball, Football, Roller Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball, Golf or run Track, you are a part of a family. All our teams are made up of smart and kind students who give it their all. This year Roller Hockey and Soccer won the league banner for our school, way to be undefeated!
Listen up Raiders! We have been proving those trash-talkers wrong. Let's now work together and make this new school year the best ever! After all we are RAIDERS, and we have the power to be our best.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
by: Austin Lopez
One word you hear get thrown around a lot is electronics. People all around the world have some form of electronic device in their possession. Things like Ipods, T.V's , Cell phones etc., have made a monumental change in our everyday lives. Some people don't use electronics due to superstition or lack of interest, but there are others who can't live without theirs. Large companies who make the electronic products like music players and cellphones are always trying to give the community the next best thing. All the while competing neck and neck with other companies to have the finest product on the market. With today's technology the age of electronics has definitely been growing.
In the past decade our electronic resources were mediocre compared to the present. Our phones are able to do unimaginable things like unlock your car, be your gps, be your ipod and even send you alerts of important events. There's no limit for the inventiveness of our society. We may not know what comes next, but we do know that today is just one more stepping stone to what's in store for us in the future.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
By: Jocelyn Leal
May 30th 2012, 6PM at the Cricket Wireless Amphitheater is where we will stand for the last time as High School Students. No more watching KSOH Tuesdays and Wednesdays,no more being in trouble with Ms. Best, no more buying cookies at lunch, no more wasting time during STEP and no more writing nonsense essays for Mr. Leaf. Now we are adults in the real world, with so many responsibilities awaiting us after we walk across that stage at graduation. You are on your own now, so keep moving forward and striving to make your future the best possible. It's all on you.
Graduation is awesome! It represents a great accomplishment, and you should be proud you made it this far. Look around on that special day and remember sitting down in the gym for Freshman orientation. That day the gym was packed with people, but out of all those kids only those sitting there waiting to walk made it. Stand proud and receive the diploma with your chin up, always remember that moment as the time you were successful and you were on top.
Congratulations Class of 2012. You made it!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
by: Yadira Ramon-Soto
& Leslie Leal
The Day of Silence is known over schools world wide and took place at Southwest High School on April 20th, 2012. This day is dedicated to all those gay, straight, bisexual, transgender and lesbian people who are seeking support from others. This day many students participate and commit to not talking during the whole day in order to show that ending the silence is the first step toward building awareness. It is to those who have been silenced by fear of showing who they really are and those who have taken their lives for being bullied that we silence our voices for just one day. We are here to show that they are not alone, that no matter what sexual orientation, color or ethnicity you are ,we are all equal and are one. We must stand up for what we believe in and not be silenced by our fears. SOH students have showed that they care about showing respect to lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender people that have been harassed or bullied. We appreciate all the students at SOH who participated in the Day of Silence. Thanks for being part of the change.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Seniors Last Day
by:Vanessa Cintron
As the end of Senior year approaches we begin to realize that our life will change. Leaving our friends and family to begin our new life. Some of us don't want to realize that our moments together are ending. That our last day together is less than a month away. Our last chance to make memories together is on May 24th 2012.
May 24th is a day that every senior has been waiting for since Freshman year. It's the last day of school and more importantly Grad Nite. On that day most seniors will walk off campus for the last time and remember all the good and bad times that we all shared together over he last four years. Once we walk off this campus the ending process will begin. A week later we will walk in Cricket Amphitheater and officially be High School Graduates.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Prom Tips
Let the count down to Prom 2012 begin. As of today we have 12 days until the big day. So whether you are going alone or with a date here are some tips to make sure your Prom is the absolute best Senior activity there is.
Election 2012
by: Estefania Juarez
Seniors, its 2012, the year that we graduate and the year that we formally start contributing to our community, and more importantly, the year that we get to vote. As citizen we have the right to vote, but as adults we have the obligation to do it.
This generation is a privileged generation, or at least that’s what all the past generations think and say, not only in America but in the whole world . Our generation has yet to even participate in a Presidential Election, and yet we are the spoiled youth that has done nothing to contribute to our country. Yes, we are always on the internet talking to our friends because we can’t walk to their house because it's too dangerous. And good thing we have internet, because they sure don’t teach us how to look for information in the library books. I guess the dictionary counts, but everything nowadays has spell check, even our cell phones. So we are a privileged generation technologically, but here's the down side: more insecurity, more social corruption, more contamination, less jobs, less opportunity, everything is artificial and expensive, and on top of that old generations are always blaming us for not fixing what their generation broke. This year we finally have the chance to contribute, to vote, to begin our lives and do more for our country.
Though we do love having the privilege to live in a society and to be part of a generation that has more rights, more freedom, less racism, and more art we've lived our 18 years without being a part of one crucial decision. This presidential election we get to choose who is going to be in the political headlines during the next four years. This means that the most crucial part of our life, the construction stage is going to occur while the winner of this election is president. We, the young people, we the future leaders are the ones that should vote because we’re the generation that is going to start building our future. The past generation has it all figured out and what they don't have figured out are our biggest problems: Healthcare, Social Security and Unemployment. Now is the time to face our government and let our voices be heard. So, Seniors pay attention in your Government and Econ class and use it as a guide to make up your mind on who you consider to be the best candidate. Vote Republican, vote Democrat, or choose another party, but in all seriousness, VOTE, because in four years no one will care about who you voted for Prom but everyone will care who is our president.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
In Class Reminders
by: Estefania Juarez
You have got to be kidding me! Every time a teacher is in the middle of a lecture, some random student comes in and hands them a bunch of different colored papers. The teacher then pauses and distributes the papers as quickly as he or she can, handing back the ones who are absent. While they're doing this everyone's mind starts to wander. "Who are those for?" "Will I get one?" "Is that one for me?" The classroom fills with suspense and whispers. Not only does this interrupt the class, but the student that delivers the papers actually takes his or her time to say "Hi!" to their friends who, it just so happens, to be in that class. This happens at least once or twice every class, every period. It's equally frustrating for the students and the teacher.
After the student leaves, the teacher has to restart his lesson. He starts off kind of slow, and from the beginning we start taking notes. Then we start getting it, more and more, and our hand can’t stop writing. Finally, we are all on the same page. We, as a class, are about to learn something mentally challenging when, of course, someone opens the door and we automatically forget whatever we were about to learn. The student or ,“mailman”, as I like to call them, walks slowly into the room waving their hand around like it's some kind of parade, the first thing that comes to my mind is “ We've got mail!” Even when we are just working individually when this happens, or when we are talking about previous lessons, the classroom gets really loud and everyone starts talking. Suddenly it’s like they forget the teacher is even there and magically he becomes a delivery man.
As a student I think this is really frustrating, and I definitely think that it's indeed disrespectful. The thing is, most of the time these little papers are USELESS. For example, I was told that I needed to take credit recovery in adult school. So, the next day I filled out and signed all the paper that was required. I went to school the next day and I got three little papers in three different classes, and they all said the same thing, "Don’t forget to go to credit recovery, room 409.” At first, I thought that it was OK because it was my first day, but this kept happening and happening and happening. I’ve been going to credit recovery for a while now and have never been absent, and to this day I still get these little papers and usually in more than one class. I know I’m not the only one in this situation, but all I can say is that I hope these reminders are made from recycled paper.
Sometimes, we get big quarter pieces of papers that say, “Please release this student to the Counseling Center, or Nurses Office at teacher's convenience." Do they ever think it's convenient for the student to be missing class? Really, is there a need to send papers to students from Monday to Friday in every period just to let them know they have Saturday school? Yes, we students who are irresponsible we know, but it is not the obligation of the school to remind us what we already know. Just like we don’t forget when a teacher tells us two weeks in advance that Friday we are watching a movie. These reminders are what makes it easier for us to procrastinate. We are so used to people telling us what to do that we depend on reminders to do what we need to do.
As a student, I propose that classes stop getting interrupted by unnecessary things. The teachers are not delivery guys. If the school is dirty it's because we don’t take care of it, if the test scores are low, it's because we didn't study enough. If the school puts these responsibilities on us, then why do we need to be reminded constantly to go to Saturday School? I know I’m not only talking for myself when I say that we are tired of getting interrupted as a daily routine. I mean were told every morning, "You have the power to be your best,”but how can we do that if teachers can't even finish their lesson.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Senior Contracts
The Last Step
by Omar Navarro
The time has come: it's been the moment we all have been waiting for- we’re all one step closer to receiving our high school diploma! Before we can walk and receive that diploma, shake the principal's hand, throw our caps in the air, start jumping with joy, and finally get out of high school, there is still one hurdle we have to jump over. Besides passing all ourclasses with a C or higher, we seniors are obligated to sign a Senior Contract. This contract assures that if you misbehave in any of the following ways: sexual harassment, getting in a fight, or even a referral you will lose your privilege to walk, to attend grad night, and prom. So like most contracts if you refuse to sign it or just simply forget to tell your parent to sign it, you will not be able to participate in any of the Senior activities. Take this contract seriously; if you do get a referral not even Mr.Carpizo will save you.
Many students think that this is unfair. We are not the only school doing this: some high schools make their Seniors sign a contract at the beginning of first semester. If you think about it ,we’re the lucky ones, we only have to stay in line for one semester. Once you turn this contract in to ASB, you can focus on more important things like Scholarships and FAFSA. You have come a long way, and you are almost done with high school and you deserve to enjoy it to the fullest. By not attending Grad Night, Prom, and Graduation, all your hard work would not have paid off. This isn't a joke, seniors. Take this seriously, turn in that contract ,and be a well behaved student! Well, at least until May 31.
You deserve to go to all Senior activities. enjoy your senior year because you only get to live it once and you don't want to regret not enjoying your last year of high school. So raiders turn in your senior contract and enjoy your final semester of high school because before you know it, it will be over. Don't get caught up in Senioritis and enjoy your last few months.