Wednesday, May 29, 2013


OH MY GOD! Did you see the yearbook? It's out already! It's that time of the year when yearbooks are out and the reminiscing begins. Who knew that a yearbook can be so small and have a large amount of memories in it. Everybody gets a look and everybody gets a picture. From the coolest guy on the field to the shyest freshman on campus, the book covers it all. Open house, football games, homecoming, pep assemblies, you name it! Everything you can think of that happened in the school year is there. Not a moment passed by where there wasn't a staff member on the job. From early mornings to late nights, the production of the book was vital. Simply because it had to be the best one yet. Trying to satisfy everybody is not an easy job, but it is accomplishable. The stressful deadlines, the all nighters, and the early mornings were all worth it in the end. The facial expressions of the crowd were what made it worthwhile along with the "Aww I remember that!" The yearbook is out so why not check it out?

by Valerie Rodriguez

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