Raiders show spirit in support of drug free lifestyle
By Dwayne Codding
This last week, Southwest High Raiders took part in the national event Red Ribbon Week by dressing up on given days and showing their support. Many raiders came to school in their PJ's, their workout out attire, and even their crazy socks, but most importantly, wore red ribbons to represent the promise to live drug free. A poster, signed by a vast number of Raiders showed the overall impact of the event, as they expressed their rejection to drugs. Countless ribbons decorated the front gate, each tied by a student promising to live free of drugs, and overall urging others to do the same.
But did the message reach anybody? What do our Raiders have to say in respect to this event?
“I think it was run pretty well. The school got involved” said Rebekah Castellow, “We celebrated a week of being drug free and set an example of how we should be living a drug free life.”
“To me it appeared as if it had lost some of its 'seriousness'.” stated Anaiz Alegria, “I felt as if the message got lost in the activities. I've always found red ribbon week to be important. But the thing that was bugging me was how many people probably broke that vow or won't accept it. A lot of people don't take it serious and it sucks.” Anaiz further elaborated, explaining that people can care, intend on being drug free, even take the pledge, yet still take drugs. Self control can be difficult, especially after having been exposed to the drugs. In the end, she admitted the events sent a good message.
“I think dressing up was a cool idea because I see that in our school most students support events like this one when it involves activities.” added Kim Mendez, “It met my expectations and I think we should have more events like this one!”
Kim then suggested that we should have more events promoting drug free lifestyles, since as Anaiz pointed out, “We are in high school and a lot of the morals and characteristics that we develop stays with us. Being responsible about things like drinking and taking certain medications should be something we learn now.”
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