By Omar Arce
At SOH we think of cheerleaders as loud spontaneous girls who get the crowd excited during pep assemblies and football games. But what about loud spontaneous boys? As many of you know, Soh has a male cheerleader: his name is Enrique Galindo, a senior. Galindo started cheer last school year, but this year could be the year for him to leave his mark in SOH cheer history. Raiders Digest had the opportunity to interview Enrique Galindo about his experience as a cheerleader.
Raiders Digest: Did you ever play sports?
Enrique Galindo: No, I did not play any sports. I don't know why.
RD: Why did you decide to become a cheerleader?

RD: What does your family think about it?
EG: I have their full support.
RD: Have you ever receive any negative comments for being in cheer?
EG: Not that I know. And if they say anything, then I don't care.
RD: If you the chance, would you change from cheer leading to play a varsity sport?
EG: I would try to be in a sport and cheer, but would not quit cheer.
RD:How was your first practice?
EG: I remember that it was fun. It was not very difficult because I am fast learner.
RD: How did the girls treat you?
EG: At first the girls were very excited because they had a guy in the team. They were very nice to me. And we got along easily,
RD: How was your first game?
EG: I was really nervous. It was the first game and I had to cheer in front of everyone, something I had never done before.
RD: Now that you have experience, how do you feel before the games?
EG: I feel confident, not nervous at all. I'm used to cheering in front of crowds now. I feel relaxed and excited before the games.
RD: What is the most difficult thing about cheer leading? And the easiest thing?
EG: The most difficult thing about cheer is the running and the sit ups, the rest is relatively easy.
RD: What skills do you need to be a cheerleader
EG: To be a cheerleader you need flexibility, strength, and most importantly school spirit.
RD: What advice would you give to any boys interested in cheerleading?
EG: Join. Do not be afraid of what other people say. Just go for it.
As the first home football game approaches, Galindo prepares to give it all to support the Raiders. Be sure to attend the games and support the cheer squad, and do not be afraid of asking Enrique Galindo how he feels.