Friday, August 21, 2009

Raiders Digest Staff.

Your 2009/2010 Raiders Digest staff:

Editor in chief: Martin Zazueta
Technical Editor: Robert Garcia
Staff Writers:
Dwayne Codding
Elma Gonzales
Omar Arce
Not pictured:
Jasmine Straw (staff writer)
Bob Chan (staff writer)
Mr. Isaacs (adviser)


  1. cool pic, sorry Martin if i got in your face, not my intention XD
    I love the website, definitely something to brag about, Kudos to Robert XD
    We could wait for a day when nobody is absent and have a retake of the photo or simply photoshop the missing people into this one, which ever works :p
    Don't forget to spread word of this website, we need to show everybody!

  2. Site looks good. Great Job Raider Digest!
    -Mr. J. Rodriguez
